
Before you do anything…

Save your private keys! We can’t stress this enough. is a browser-based decentralized cryptocurrency wallet. This means, if you delete your browser’s cached data, your wallets may be re-generated into new ones. This is particularly the reason why it is VERY IMPORTANT that you save your wallet’s private keys before you do anything.

We do not handle or store your data in any way.
If you lose your private keys = coins can never be retrieved.

How to Save Private Keys

1. Visit your wallet and click on ‘Show my keys’.

2. You can either ‘copy to clipboard’ and paste it on a notepad or download it as a .txt file. Make sure to store these private keys on a secure place (recommended: USB).

How to Import an Existing Wallet

If you already have an existing wallet for coins and tokens listed on the wallet, you can import them by using the ‘import’ function and filling in your private keys.

You can only import ETH, BTC, LTC wallets at this point of time. Please note that by importing your wallet(s), your existing wallets on will be replaced.

If your ETH wallet contains ERC20 tokens supported by, those will be imported as well.

How to Show/Hide Default Coins and Tokens

How to Deposit Coins or Tokens

Copy the address & send coins or tokens there.

How to Withdraw Coins or Tokens

1. Click on ‘SEND’ button

Note: If you are withdrawing ERC20 tokens, you need to have some ETH on your wallets. This is to cover Transaction (miner’s) fees.

How to Create an Order on the Exchange

How to Perform Atomic Swap/How to Exchange Coins or Tokens with Other Users

NOTE: If you are exchanging ERC20 tokens, you will need some ETH on your wallets to cover Transaction (miner’s) fees.

NOTE: Atomic Swaps cannot be performed for all coins & tokens listed on the wallet. Below is a list of currently supported exchange pairs:

Bitcoin Ethereum or ERC20 or Litecoin.
Ethereum Bitcoin or Litecoin.
Litecoin Bitcoin or Ethereum.
USDT ERC20 Tokens.
ERC20 Tokens Bitcoin or USDT.
Swap Support for BCH, EOS, TLOS are coming soon.